A retired teacher went viral. This almost retired art teacher can certainly agree. I saw a child today (freshman?) with the most expensive new iPhone and wearing $200 shoes and he's not passing any classes. I'd bet money that the home phone is no good (Are the odds really 50/50 or in my favor?) I have had high school students say "YOU may NOT command me" and put their hand in my face when what I said was to pick up a pencil and make marks on the paper. I can do four function math in my head faster than my kids can pull out their calculator.
The children don't play outside anymore. They worship the false idol of their tiny screen. There is such an unearned overabundance of specialness going on that I want to be sick. Yet some of these children have stories that would just make your heart break because of the generational poverty and ignorance. People who can't raise kids shouldn't have them.