Sunday, January 06, 2008

I didn't see much, I hid on the porch

I've been laying low. I count a good weekend as one that I don't get out of my jammies

We are starting a new year. I have a few small goals.

I'm not going to smoke inside my house. I've gone outside to the porch to smoke. I don't want Rachael and Becca to gripe that their clothes smell like smoke when they come home to do laundry.

I'm going to rid myself of any clothes that do not fit. My closet bar is drooping. Mostly because I value the books better.

I want to read a book a week. I'm at the end of a nice one. A Storm of Swords. I want to finish it tomorrow and get the next one in the series.

I cringe at this time. I am shy. I don't want to talk to anyone. I DO want to talk to folks I knew back when. I'm so lucky that some of them are talking to me.

Woo Hooo, happy new year.

Please be kind. Be kind to one another.